- Vase - An open source expense manager written in flutter
- Beats music player - Beautiful Material music player app
- Stonksim - App to paper trade
- Go Blog - Blog api written in Golang
- Alumni Interaction System App - Created this app to facilitate interaction between alumni and students
- Alumni Interaction System Backend - Created this app to facilitate interaction between alumni and students
- Water Quality Sensing - Tried to get my hands on arduino by building water quality sensing device
- Doccure - Website to get doctor appointment. Created with Django and sqlite.
- Recipedia App - Its a flutter app to interact with the recipedia api.
- Recipedia api - Wikipedia for recipes. Created with nodejs and mongoDB.
- This website - open source and made with hugo ssg.
- Kula Chat (Discontinued) - An open source telegram client for android created using tdlib library
- Safedrive - An app which will hang up the call if the user is driving (Won first prize in Kalasalingam University’s Code Wars 2018)
- Billionaire List - An app that shows the realtime billionaire from forbes billionaire list.
- Lite - A reddit client app built with flutter (Discontinued)
- SaAsh Calculator - I developed this beautiful and function rich calculator app for SaAsh Technologies
- Live cricket scores - An app to check cricket scores. Developed for SaAsh Technologies
- TorrVerse - Torrent searching app (App done using flutter & backend using Python flask)
- Movie Bay - Movie downloading app using proxied yts api through my domain
- Weather mate - Beautiful Weather App using openweathermap api
- Lottery app - Three lucky winners will be awarded with prizes. The winners are selected randomly from the users who bought ticket in the app (App done using flutter & backend using Python flask)
- Vaguparai - I developed this beautiful and perfect app for the Vaguparai website
- DistroHop - List of 100 linux distros with its details. Written a scraper to get data from
- iSurf - I created this web browser to block from ads and trackers